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On Demand (Monroe)

Effective May 17, 2021, RTS On Demand service operates in Monroe County in the Brockport, Greece, Henrietta, Irondequoit, Lexington, Pittsford/Eastview, and Webster On Demand zones.

You can use a mobile app or call customer service to reserve rides for the current day in the zone during operating hours. Depending on the proximity and availability of the vehicle, you may be picked up within a short period (for example, 10 minutes). You can also reserve a pickup up to 12 hours in advance if a trip is available.

All service is curb-to-curb for areas open to the public within the zone and is available to anyone traveling within the zone.

These requests are a fundamental alteration of service and will not be considered reasonable under the ADA for trips using RTS on-demand service:

  • Any request that requires the Operator to leave the vehicle unattended
  • Requests to deviate from the bus route and scheduled stops or beyond the established deviation distance  (except within a reasonable distance to avoid an obstacle)
  • Requests to provide personal services to a customer, such as entering buildings, opening interior doors, unlocking doors, or lifting  a customer
  • Requests for door-to-door assistance (guiding the customer from the bus to the door of a building or vice versa)
  • Driving onto private property (one-way driveway or gated community)
  • Carrying luggage, bags, or packages
  • Arrange a reasonable modification in advance when possible by calling the appropriate number.
  • Describe the modification you need and the reason you need it.
  • Specify the date on which you need the modification and the length of time it is needed.

If you cannot make a request for a modification in advance because you were unaware of a condition or barrier at your destination until arriving, you may make the request at the time of service. Personnel at any subsidiary may consult with management before making a determination to grant or deny the request.