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Keeping It Safe

At RTS Wayne, we work hard to give our passengers a safe and secure ride. But you can help too! Just follow these simple steps:

  • Be aware of where the emergency exits, windows and ceiling hatches are located.
  • Always follow the directions of your Bus Operator and other transit officials. 
  • Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Report items that may be have been lost or left behind to your Bus Operator, other transit officials, or police officers.
  • Be on the alert for suspicious activity involving people or packages.

If you see something, say something. Report people who:

  • Loiter, stare or watch employees and passengers in a suspicious manner.
  • Pace around, act nervous or “jumpy.”
  • Abandon items and quickly depart.
  • Act in a disorderly manner and disturb others.
  • Use cameras, cellphone cameras, or other photographic equipment in secure transit facilities.
  • Carry a weapon or appear to have a weapon.
  • Wear clothing that is extremely inappropriate for the weather such as a heavy coat on a hot day.
  • Show signs of illness or distress.

Report suspicious packages that:

  • Are placed in an unusual, out-of-the-way location. 
  • Have attached batteries, wires, tanks, bottles or bags that might contain chemicals or explosives. 
  • Appear to be leaking smoke, mist, gas, vapor, odor or fluid. 
  • Have a threatening note attached or match a description in a publicized threat.

WARNING: Do not touch suspicious items or confront someone who is acting suspiciously. Notify your Bus Operator, other RTS Wayne employee or a local police officer – or call 911 – right away.

In case of an emergency, “look, listen and leave.” Try to stay calm. And follow the directions of transit officials. In the unlikely event of an accident or a natural or man-made disaster, evacuation from RTS Wayne buses and other public transportation should only take place when directed by transit officials.

With your help, we can maintain the high standards for safety and security you expect from RTS Wayne.