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Riding with an Animal 

You and Your Pet Can Enjoy the Ride!

You may travel with a small pet if you follow these rules (These rules do not apply to service animals):

  1. Keep your pet in a closed container, closed cage, or closed carrier.
  2. Have control of the container, cage, or carrier at all times.
    • Hold it on your lap or put it near your feet.
    • Don’t let it take up a seat/seating area or block the aisle.
  3. Your pet cannot be disruptive.
    • No excessive noise.
    • No threatening behavior.
  4. Make sure your pet is housetrained.

Service Animals 

Service Animals must not behave in a way that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, they must be under the control of the handler, and must be housetrained. A Service Animal cannot take up a seat/seating area or block the aisle.