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New York’s Public Transit Systems Applaud NYS Legislature for Increased Transit Funding in One-House Budget

March 15, 2021
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The New York Public Transit Association released the following statement today in support of transit funding in the One-House Budget released on Saturday, March 13.

“On behalf of New York’s public transit systems and our millions of customers, we thank the members of the New York State Legislature for increasing funding for transit in the respective one house budgets so we can continue helping communities navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and build back better. Throughout the pandemic, transit systems around the state have kept the economy moving by providing access to jobs for essential workers and access to essential destinations so people can see their doctor, get vaccinated, and put food on the table. New York’s communities need us now more than ever. Robust transit service supports growth in the economy and jobs, addresses climate change, improves social equity, and moves people from poverty to prosperity. That is why we urge the Governor, Senate and Assembly to make increased funding for transit a priority in the final budget by including a 10 percent increase in transit operating assistance (STOA) and increased capital funding. Accelerating investment in transit will accelerate these benefits.”

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